A Common Problem With Newbie Clickers:


"Hi Neil-I read your "Supercharge" book Nov 98, and kept building the "power" of the popping throughout weeks up to mid Feb. With this, as I used it in many circumstances, much like a booster to my visualizations, I experienced many wonderful "radar" experiences. THEN IT STOPPED! What other things can I do?
Thank you - Sue"

Neil Responds:
If you are getting negative feedback (or mediocre/boring/nothing)- this indicates one thing only- you have, in fact, stopped clicking forward. The emotional/physical feedback your amygdala/brain gives you is the most accurate measure of whether you are using CICIL (cooperative-imaginative-creative-intuitive-logical) ADVANCED ABILITY frontal lobes circuits or not. Your amygdala never lies. It cannot. It is hard wired to give you 100% honest feedback of how you are using your brain.

You must ask yourself "Why is my amygdala giving me negative/nothing emotion? How am I clicked backward (or at best neutral blah), even though I thought I was clicking forward?"

It is like a video game, the most fantastic video game ever invented- inside your head. You have succeeded at Level One. Now your brain is requiring you to do more- you are at Level Two.

One gets easy pre-pops when they first learn how to click. This is because you have learned something NEW, and you are growing. However, if one does not grow, and EXPAND one's activities and thinking with true frontal lobes behavior constantly- positive brain feedback stops. It's your brain's way of saying- "You are refusing to grow- no more goodies until you get back to work.." If you are only pretending to use your frontal lobes, your amygdala feedback thermometer will instantly stop you in your tracks.

Clicking is a process that activates your frontal lobes. When your frontal lobes creates-imagines-cooperates-intuits-logics a NEW circuit and a connection is made to allow sudden new energies to flow- "POP!" The positive emotional feedback and "pops" are a reward and a feedback for proper clicking. If you are not getting good feedback- then change what you are doing, alter your technique.

One can fool one's self very easily by ROUTINELY doing a "holy" activity with no real substance or meaning behind it. (We've seen this before!) You have experienced numerous indicators and samples of the positive results your brain can provide you with. Now you must continue and re-examine your thoughts and be willing to CHANGE and RESPOND. You have to be on your toes- for now on. This as it turns out, is much more enjoyable than doing the same old things over and over again. "Moving" your brain is paradoxically easier than being stuck in the same place.

Also, some people think sitting around clicking your amygdala to provide self-pleasure is an end in itself. This is NOT frontal lobes thinking. It is just more reptilian "me me me" consciousness. What you are after- a longer lasting, repetitive "high" comes from consistent processing and creation of new frontal lobes processes. True forward clicking. CICIL. LEVEL TWO is beyond instant gratification. That was fantasy 60's Flower Power. This is Brain Power. You'll get to Level Two, hang in there.

I cannot be more specific that this- because EACH INDIVIDUAL HAS HER/HIS OWN GENETIC INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW. When the "pops stop" each person must ask yet another specific question: "What is my path in this lifetime that I am now neglecting to follow?"

One's genetic code determines what thinking/behaviors in turn activates the hard-wired POSITIVE-NEGATIVE AUTOMATIC AMYGDALA FEEDBACK REWARD/ALARM system. It is absolutely required, the brain demands, that one implicitly be guided by higher genetic intelligence and thus amygdalic indicators, to achieve 100% fulfillment- physically, intellectually, emotionally, spiritually. Otherwise, life perpetually becomes a big drag. Keep the frontal lobes truly activated- and life becomes a perpetual dance with the universe.

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