Mind Music Motor

I've been showing people how to construct a very simple psychic motor (can easily describe to your listeners) and I'd like to report something VERY interesting on my end.

I modified my own original psychic motor spinner, and simplified it to be just a 1/4 inch by 2 inch long strip of aluminum foil, folded into a 90 degree "V" shape which is then balanced in the middle on a thin acupuncture needle. (I imagine a regular needle would work, but the acupuncture needles are extremely thin and further reduce any friction.) I then placed it inside a thick glass bell jar. I watched it for a minute to make sure there was absolutely no movement from any external vibrations.

Now, yesterday, it occurred to me while teaching music lessons, that I could "supercharge" my frontal lobes and potential telekinetic abilities by LISTENING TO MUSIC while attempting to move the spinner. We all know how music enhances all kinds of brain activities and processes, (see the Brain Library articles right below this one on the list) so I thought the proper music might be of assistance in this kind of experiment as well.

I put on my most favorite piece of "brain" music, John McLaughlin's Belo Horizonte album, the "Starlight on My Sleeve" cut, and sat down about four feet away from the spinner and concentrated. Within moments, the spinner began to rotate counter-clockwise and made about 3 or four revolutions in a period of perhaps 15 to 20 seconds. I also noted a distinct euphoric and actual pleasurable physical feeling in my head, one that always accompanies the "popping the frontal lobes" type of experience.

I think my utter delight and astonishment broke the spell, and it finally slowed and stopped.

I immediately thought that it might have been the vibration of the sound waves against the glass, or the movement of me sitting in my chair that caused the spinner movement. So I began the music over again exactly as before, and sat in the chair exactly as before- nothing happened without me focussing frontal lobes energy.

I have found that examples of paranormal experience and manipulation of objects is not as controllable as just turning on a light switch. Telekinetic manipulation has been shown by at least one very thorough scientific study that I know of, to be unpredictable and random, although it DOES occur. In another case, Sony corporation, just last July said after they studied the ESP phenomenon, acknowledged that they found it DID exist, but they couldn't figure a way to market it.

Of course all kinds of paranormal and psychic frontal lobes powers AUTOMATICALLY turn on when true need requires it's use- when your survival and needs require it. Learn to keep your amygdala clicked forward, and you won't go a day without noting paranormal abilities happening routinely. But, performing extracurricular demonstrations like this is something else.

I have noted a law of diminishing returns when clicking into certain frontal lobes phenomenon- that is to say, something may work and it may work quickly, and then it disappears or stops. I believe this is because it is in the creation of NEW experience, and exploring unfamiliar territory that an individual receives the greatest payback in emotional reward, and this triggers more forceful psychic energy. If you are familiar with my explanation of reward-motivation/survival neuro-circuitry, then this will make sense to you- Our brain is wired to reward new and creative thinking with positive emotion, which can then be re-channeled froward to create even more new thinking. This may explain why certain psychic phenomenon work briefly, and then stops- if we try to continue the same type of mental process- nothing new is being created in these subtle psychic circuits, the "new" energy is reduced to "old" energy, and the psychic fuel runs out.

This of course, is not always the case, and some people are more successful at repeat demonstrations of controlled psychic energy. I received this email earlier this week on the subject:

Richard Dannelley wrote:
Anyway, I saw MICHAEL TELSTAR levitate a $20 bill for about three minutes, I was standing only a few feet from him. He folded the bill and not only did it float out of his hands, it floated about 20" from his hands and very slowly (very very slowly) went to the floor.......

Yes, it was cool, he also did the same escape that killed Houdini 25 times - he breaks the locks with mind power - I lost his URL, but it will turn up someday - try a web search for Michael Telstar - he lives in Canada - He also knocked blocks of wood over from a distance of about 6'.

His overall performance was a bit weak, but he certainly did the feats - he has presented at UFO conferences in Laughland Nevada. He sez he is reincarnated.... started practicing as a child.

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