October 6, 2003 Mind Motor

This is a "Mind Motor" setup that consists of a strip of foil perched on the tip of an upright sewing needle. This is covered with an airtight clear plastic bottle complete sealed with tape on the bottom that prevents an air movement into the inner area. The entire Mind Motor sits on top of a heavy vibration free pedestal. A camera is placed in a stationary location immediately next to this to record any movement of the foil.

To the right is a close up of the foil strip, for the record at 10:15 October 6, 2003.
The experiement is to see if a large radio audience imaging movement of this foil will result in the actual rotation of the foil from the beginning position.

This would indicate the existance of some kind of mental subtle force activity at work, and demonstrate activity of Collective Consciousness, or movement within some kind of Universal Energy Matrix.

METHOD: All group audience members are to:

1) Relax sitting with eyes closed

2) Elicit the most PLEASANT POSITIVE FEELING/MEMORY available

3) Image the memory as an energy field swirling inside the head/brain. Visualize little hearts or lips kissing, floating around in this vortex like leaves in a pleasant breeze.

4) Transmit this imaged swirling energy to a point emanating through the front of the head where it then leaves the individual and travels through an imagined conduit directly to the inside of the pictured Mind Motor chamber at Neil's house in Denver.

5) Visualize the energy swirling and the foil moving in sympathy, in the direction of the light blue side arrow drawn.

5) Again feel the positive emotional energy, SMILE, then image the foil rotating.

6) Gently this emotion/image while falling asleep.

Same exact position of camera at 1:33 AM

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