UPDATE July 27, 2006




As any scientist knows, one is not attached to the DESIRED OUTCOME of any experiment, but rather is a NEUTRAL OBSERVER of experiment results. One draws conclusions based on results, and learns from that.

In this case, we may have all been delighted to see "Oooo!  We moved the device with our minds!!"

However, as I've pointed out again and again in my talks and books, the paranormal is best left to occur on its own rather than pursued as proof or past-time. If one simply stays clicked forward into loving, giving, non-ego-centric activities, you will be blessed via Brain Radar with true life magical paranormal fun demonstrations- being at the right place at the right time, having things come to you as if by magic, having paranormal events occur daily without effort. Yogic sages knew this fact ages ago and state over and over "When you get powers (siddhis) don't use them, they are maya, and lead not to enlightenment, but to illusion."

Over the years, I've found a few things that demonstrate the power of the mind easily, like cloudbusting prediction, or perhaps influencing a coin toss. Here's one where I dry out a wet sheet in a frigid room using a calm centered meditation: COMFY BRAIN DRIED SHEETS . This page has a dozen Brain Radar demonstration articles that defy explanation The Library From Another Dimension . There are laboratory double-blind experiments that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the existence of subtle energies, energy the conventional wisdom does not recognize, see ISSSEEM.

But beyond this, when you start trying to prove the existence of the "super" powers of the mind--- heck, if you are trying to move a pencil with your mind, or spin a piece of foil--- YOU'VE GOT HANDS AND FINGERS-- USE 'EM!  Why waste your time meditating on moving objects with your mind, when you've got a brain and fingers and toes that will do it instantly, effortlessly, easily?? It doesn't make sense, and its a waste of time.

I could spend hours trying to levitate across the room, when I could simply walk across and get where I want to go with my feet.

I could spend hours working on my telepathy, but much easier to simply TALK, or pick up a phone.

My observation over the years in brain and behavior, is that the ESP and paranormal HAPPEN spontaneously, on their own when they NEED to occur, when my regular senses fail. Not as parlor trick.

SO---   this little experiment may not have turned out the way some would have liked-- but it may be telling us something much more true and important. And THAT is what brain self-control is all about.


After SIX DAYS here is the result:

The "Peace Tachometer" did not move at all.


We can interpret the results several ways, just pick the one that makes the most sense to you:

1) Our positive (or negative) group brain "thought" energy does not exist, and therefore could and did not have any effect on the test device.

2) Our group brain energy was not of sufficient strength, quantity or quality or both to move the device- or perhaps the ENTROPY of those persons NOT thinking/bringing peace to the world is stronger or is neutralizing are effects. Heck, just read the papers-- an awful lot of people on this planet are thinking "war" as solution, and it may be that we are simply out-gunned at the moment, and its going to take more than a few minutes of a small group of people meditating on peace to actually make it a reality and show it as a more powerful vector than "kill" thoughts generated by others.

3) "Cosmic Consciousness" energy does exist, but the experiment was not able to detect this energy as set up.

4) The device DID work-- and the lesson here was that moving tin foil pyramids in such a device is of no consequence in creating peace among humans. Thus the device is discouraging the participants through "failure" to spend time on such an activity--- i.e.,  it failed to reward "paranormal parlor trick" with success because it was not relevant to actually CREATIVE SOLUTIONS-- which involve other processes of bring peace to the world, to contributing to society and real solutions.

5) The true measure of success in efforts of bringing peace to others, of helping others, is in our thoughts AND ACTIONS. Look at what you actually DID.

Anyone can THINK about peace and helping others, and TALK about it. Many people do, and deceivingly so; politicians, business people with primary profit motive, pseudo religious leaders, manipulators.

What it really boils down to is how you put your thoughts of peace and helping (which is OF COURSE! the all so important STARTING POINT) but how you put this into PRACTICE, how you make this a REALITY instead of just an intention.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Peace! :-)




This is a simple experiment to see if it is possible to physically indicate the Collective Brain Focus Energy of a large number of people concentrating their thoughts on a single purpose, in this case


      To encourage an increasing of harmonious and productive peaceful behaviors among between ourselves, friends and neighbors especially in areas in the world where war or strife may be particularly troublesome and in need of healing.


      Cooperative, loving intent and action increases our survival as individuals and as a species.

      Increased cooperative thoughts and behaviors cause automatic internal reward pleasure feedback to occur in the brain, and this further promotes advanced creative problem solving.



      A simple device has been constructed and located in Central Denver, Colorado at my home (Neil Slade) to possibly show a physical manifestation of the collective consciousness energy, which will be defined here as collective Cosmic Consciousness Intent.

      This simple device to measure movement of this energy will be called the PEACE TACHOMETER.

      In the same way that an automobile tachometer measures the revolutions of a car engine crankshaft, and the energy being exerted by a firing car engine, our Peace Tachometer is intended to show the movement of collected brain focus thought intention energy.

      Cosmic Consciousness is the pure energy of universal awareness, interpreted by the human brain as thought or feeling, and may manifest itself as telepathy, pre-cognition, ESP, or any manner of extra-normal perception or communication.

      Through past observance of the characteristics of this phenomenon, Cosmic Consciousness is a force that is not just mental energy, but has a real effect on physical matter, plants, animals, and humans. It however is not bounded by the same limitations as purely physical matter, and its effects and movement  is not bound by time or space, and may instantaneously be transmitted across any given distance in zero time.

      It is the hypothesis of this experiment that we can measure the flow of Cosmic Consciousness energy by the improbable and otherwise unlikely movement of an isolated foil square inside an air-proof chamber, when that given foil is a chain in a healing, peace promoting, and thus species and individual survival enhancing thought visualization process.


      The following procedure shall be used in this experiment

1) Use your imagination to see an eternal source of energy, like the sun, or inner light, or pure consciousness, or god, or whatever one prefers.

2) This consciousness is then seen as awareness that enters one's body in the core of one's brain at the root of the spinal cord, at the base of the skull.

3) Click your individual conscious brain energy forward from the reptilian core brain, into the mid brain, and consciously move it forward through the amygdala (both right and left) into the FRONTAL LOBES.

4) Once the energy is gathered in the frontal lobes as an abstract thought, as well as electrochemical physical activity, it is visualized through imagination to become a warm loving golden (or preferred color) sensation filling the entire head, the eyes, the ears, the mouth and tongue, then down into the neck and chest and heart, then the torso, then into the arms and legs, and then the hands and feet. The body is seen as glowing, warm, healthy, and pleasant.

5) This energy is intuitively perceived as healing. You may then visualize this healing energy as expressed as persons holding hands, embracing in a hug, handing another food or water, stroking another to provide comfort, planting food, or simply sitting peacefully with another.

6) Next, the idea is to send this internal healing energy outward to others and into the universe.

One then rubs one's hands together for several seconds to signify the necessary physical activity that accompanies intention and purpose, the physical expression of thought and intention.

7) When the hands are slightly warm, one then places the "healing hands" on the ground, on the floor at one's feet, or held outward projecting one's individual energy outward to gather and connect with similar energy vectors of other's having the same purpose.

8) In this case, the energy is seen to collect with all of the energy of others and to pass by  the front edge of the  Peace Tachometer chamber as shown in the photos below, to cause the foil pyramid to move, or spin in a counter clockwise direction as shown by the arrow.

9) The energy then moves to its destination target in whatever part of the planet one chooses, where ever one chooses to cause the rapid elimination of tensions, frustration, anger, and fear.

One sees this healing energy to increase cooperative behaviors and feelings of safety and peace.

10) The final step is to PHYSICALLY express in some way these intensions, and desire to help others to achieve these goals. This physical expression may be:

A) To consciously reduce one's own personal experience of anxiety, fear, anger, and frustration through relaxation and positive imagery.

B) To consciously help another facing a problem, or needing comfort.  To donate goods, food, money to others in need.

C) To express through letter or email the intention for others to find peaceful solutions to problems without violence, and through cooperation and dialogue (Write to your representatives, and newspapers, and blogs)




        Please note that at the start of the experiment, the pyramid is marked with a blue stripe on the front left near the #1/2 front left corner of the chamber.

       The chamber is air-tight to keep any external air movement to affect the foil.

       The table it is sitting on stands on a concrete floor that is absent vibration from walking by the chamber.

       The photos below show the Peace tachometer in the starting position at 12:29 AM Mountain Time July 20, 2006