SKOOL (School)

For most of his 35 years on the mountain, Lingo lived in this slightly larger one room cabin, well up a side trail hidden behind a grove of pine trees. After you rang the kitchen signal bell, often Lingo would summon visitors and participants up by whistling "Over Here!". You would hike up another steep path, and eventually see him waving at the top of the trail. You would hike up, and he would sit you down on a long log where you would face across the valley and gaze upon 14,000 foot high Mt. Evans- and Lingo would sit on his own log facing you. Quite a turn on the psychiatrist couch! There you might sit for hours and hours and engage in discussion, lessons, debate, instruction, planning, joking, or whatever else happened to come up, until it got so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.... just the moon and billions of stars above your head. When you finally left to go home (sometimes with a borrowed flashlight in your hand), he always sang a goodbye song as you walked back down the trail..."So long, it's been good to know ya..."

If you were invited inside Lingo's place, to warm up by the wood stove and have some hot soup, you had to crouch down low to get in the door. You see- kids helped build the front door during one of the early summer camp sessions- and they were SHORT! And above the door was written the word "SKOOL". Once inside you saw the books- and books and books and books! And this wasn't even the library! Lingo had thousands of science, philosophy, law, political, literary, novels, books of all kinds. He read and knew them all. The knowledge of all these learned people ended up here, and then went into your brain.

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