Enjoy these short auxiliary Daily Brain Tip Catalyzers.

(For detailed instructions and lessons to Supercharge your brain 

and get amazing new brain things happening, please see

visit our main web site and our great brain books and music)








You may write AS IF YOU ARE THERE- after all, time is an illusion.

"I am...... (fill in the blank)."

Your brain- the most amazing computer in the universe, will figure out the details and STEER you towards your destination each day.

But you need a MAP- so don't neglet this simple Brain Execise of

Every day-- make it NEW.




Today's comment:


"Hi, Neil:
I'm new to this technology and just got my first book...but I have to tell you that I am absolutely in love with the acoustic guitar CD...I have played the tracks off it ever since it arrived. It plays all day in my office and I find it calming and energizing all at the same time. Thanks so much for sharing this with the world.

Samantha "

Last two days for our SUPER BRAIN BOOK Double Back to School SALE!
See http://www.neilslade.com/order.html

Back to The Amazing Brain Music Adventure

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